Is this depiction to the left,
even remotely
historically accurate?
A Little Book of Eternal Wisdom
Ancient Traditions of the Messiah
Angels: A Hierarchy
Apocrypha and the Church
Arc of the Covenant
Arnal. Stratification of 'Q'
Attention Wiccans!!
Biblical Scientific Accuracies
Biblical Contradictions
Biblical Exegesis
Canon of the New Testament
Creme. Requirements of Initiation
Creme.The Gospels and the Path of Initiation
Curse of Baphomet
Dating New Testament Documents
Defining 'Justification' and 'Sanctification'
Demonology. Defined
Devil. Defined
Divine Attributes. Defined
Does Purgatory Reduce the Sacrifice of Christ?
Exegesis of the Book of Henoch (Etheopic)
Exerpts from the 'New England Primer'
Faith versus Works
False Decretals
Gospel and Gospels
Gospels: Their Possible Roots in Pagan Mythos
Heaven. Defined
Hell. Defined
Hell: The Truth About It.
Hell Is Real: Don't Be Fooled!
Heresy. Defined
Hidden Esoteric Wisdom in the Bible
Homoxsexuality: The Great Deception
Homosexual Agenda
Homosexuality and the Bible
Homosexuality and Levitical Law
Homosexuality: The 'Lavender Lifestyle'
Homosexuality: What the Bible Says
How Did Jesus Die?
Hypostatic Union
Indulgences. Defined
Is Mormonism Christian?
Jesus. A Chronology
Jesus. His Historicity
Jesus. His Times
Jesus: Historical Rederences
Jesus: The Historical Man
Jesus: The Indications of the Possible Existance of Yeshua
Jesus. The Lost Years
Jesus. The Virgin Birth
Jesus: What Did He Do?
Jesus: Who Was He?
Jehova's Witnesses: Polemics
Jehova's Witnesses: What to They Teach?
Lucifer Defined
Malleus Maleficarum
Mark/Thomas Parallels
Mary: The Annunciation
Mary: The Assumption
Mary: The Immaculate Conseption
Mary; The Magnificat
Mary: The Blessed Virgin
Mary: Were There Other Children?
Medieval Proofs of the Existance of God
Off Witchctaft
On Branch Davidians
On Christadelphianism
On Christian Science
On Mormonism
On New Age
On OuiJa
On Pornography
On Self Esteem
On Theosophy
On Witchcraft and Satanism
Opus Dei
'Q'. Quelle
'Q'/Thomas Parallels
Racism and the Bible: A Debate
Reincarnation in the Bible
Sin Defined
Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God
Strange Biblical Quotations
Syriac Language and Literature
The Trinity
The Apostles Creed versus Gnosticism
The Book of Ecclesiastes. KJV
The Book of Ecclesiastes. NIV
The Book of Ecclesiastes. RSV
The Book of Ecclesiastes. Vulgate (original)
The Confession of St. Patrick
The Inquisition in Spain
The Inquisition. Fox
The Inquisition: On Torture
The Law, Gospels, and the Irony of Martin Luther
The 'Man of Sin'
The Mistakes of Jesus
The Occult Roots of Abortion
The One True Religion
The Rapture. An Essay
The Rapture. A Lesson
The Shorter Catechism
The Sixth Commandment: Racial Purity
The Treateses of Cyprian
The Venerable Bede. Christianity in England
The Venerable Bede. The Synod of Whitby
The Writings and Histories of Josephus
Three Christian Doctrines
To Wiccans and Pagans
Tough Questions for Christians
Understanding the Bible
What Is Man?
What Is Man. An Exposition
What Is Truth?
Why Witness
Wiccan Child Sacrifice
Witchcraft. Defined
Witnessing: Do's and Don'ts
Woe to Those Who Revile the Son of God
The First
The Second
The Third
The Fourth
The Fifth
The Sixth
The Seventh
The Eighth
The Ninth