Choctaw Creationism
Shamanism. An Essay
Shamanism. An Overview
Shamanic Tales
Soul of the Indian
The Riddle of the Trickster
What Is Shamsniam
Wiccan Shamanism
Aradia. The Witch's Bible
Book of Shadows. Gardnerian
Carmina Gaedelica
Celtic Beliefs
Celtic Deities
Celtic Festivals
Celtic Numerology
Druidism. An Essay
Druidism. Beltane Ritual
Druidism. The Basic Ritual
Druidism. The British Order
Druidism. The Sacred Grove
Druidism. Training
Gerald Gardner. A Biography
Paganism. A Comparison of Pagan and Christian Creeds
Paganism. A Glossary
Paganism. An Exhortation
Paganism. Basic Ritual
Paganism. Events
Paganism. Fine Ritualism
Paganism. Gods, Goddesses, Demons and Minions
Rethinking the Towers
Rites. Drawing Down the Moon
Rites. Handfasting
Rites. Funeral
Rites. Great Rite (actual)
Rites. Great Rite (symbolic)
Ritual. Alignment
Ritual. Blessing Waters
Ritual. Empowerment
Ritual. Invocation of the Guardians
Ritual. Of Gestures
Ritual. Pentagram
Ritual. Rite of Rhea
Ritual. Spirit Conjuration
Spell. For Confidence
Spell. Healing
Spell. House Blessing
Spell. How to Write Them
Spell. To Banish Depression
Spell. To Banish Depression (2)
Spell. To Cure a Headache
Spell. To Find Spirit Guide
Spell. To Heal a Friend
Spell. To Make Someone Dream of You
Spell. To Make Someone Leave You Alone
Spell. To Repell Negativity
Thoughts on Wicca
Wicca. A Basic Formulary
Wicca. A Glossary
Wicca. A History
Wicca. Beliefs and Customs
Wicca. Charge of the Dark Goddess
Wicca. Charge of the God
Wicca. Charge of the Goddess
Wicca. Consecration Ritual
Wicca. Gardnerianism
Wicca. History of the Craft In England
Wicca. Magick in Theory
Wicca. On 'Lillith'
Wicca.Origins of '666'
Wicca. Principles
Wicca. The Wiccan Rede
Wicca. The Wiccan Rede. An Essay
Wicca. The Wiccan Rede. An Exposition
Wiccan Sabbats. Beltane
Wiccan Sabbats. Eosar
Wiccan Sabbats. Imbolc
Wiccan Sabbats. Lammas
Wiccan Sabbats. Mabon
Wiccan Sabbats. Samhain
Wiccan Sabbats. Yule
Wicca. Sex and Magick
Wicca. Spiral Dance
Wicca. Teachers
Wicca. The Law
Wicca. The Sacrificial GodMan
Wicca. The Wheel
Wicca. The Wiccan Way
Wicca. Traditional Witchcraft
Wiccan Traditions
Wicca. The True History
Wicca. The US Army Chaplains Handbook
The Witches Creed.
The First
The Second
The Third
The Fourth
The Fifth
The Sixth
The Seventh
The Eighth
The Ninth